Tissage aux cartes


Petite pause estivale.

J’ai commandé auprès de Flaab des cartes de tissage en bois que je recommande vivement.

Pour les utiliser partout, j’ai construit un petit chevalet qui peux être utilisé seul

ou avec une ceinture.

Les poids sont faits avec des boulons de roue de voiture (80g) enveloppés dans des petits sacs en tissus.

J’ai choisi un motif simple assorti avec le lieu.


Stoorstalka heddles

Seizenn offers facilities for creating patterns for stoorstalka rigid heddles.

The pattern presented here are mainly taken from the stoorstalka sets available on the site https://shop.stoorstalka.com/en/products/handicrafting-diy/yarn/weaving/

We first choose a common color palette for the Nordic patterns. In the palette creation tool , let choose palette “30”.

Then we will open the tool for “realistic” patterns


In the left menu, go to the “load, Save, Export” submenu. There is a drop-down list with the different heddle models. Just choose a pattern and click on the “heddle pattern” button.

The models available are basic, sigga and sunna. By default the models use the first colors of the palette.

Basic Pattern

Basic heddle is for simple plain weave band. 4 size are available corresponding to the total number of threads : 31, 63, 103, 131.

For “basic 31” you get this default pattern.

You can then modify it to get, for exemple (beginner-level-1/weavekit-basic-vardag-red) ,

Sigga Pattern

Sigga heddle are for dual color float pattern. There are three sizes , 8, 16, 24, corresponding to the number of floating threads.

The Sigga 8 default pattern looks like  

You note that there are 8 green dual color floating thread. Pattern is 35 threads wide and 8 threads have dual colors.

Using the dual color mode and the pickup mode you can get a pattern like (https://woolery.com/stoorstalka-band-weaving-kit-advanced.html)


Sunna heddle is for pickup pattern (baltic). 4 sizes are available, 5, 7, 9, 13 corresponding to the number of pickup dots, the width of the pattern. Sunna 5 pattern has a total of 37 threads.

The Sunna 5 default pattern in seizenn is

You can modify it according to https://shop.stoorstalka.com/en/products/handicrafting-diy/yarn/weaving/band-weaving-kit/professional-level-3/weavekit-professional-yellow-red.html  using the pickup tool.

You could also use the grid tool to create you pattern


This is a personnal project using Sunna 13 heddle. I didn’t use all the border holes.

Starting from default Sunna 5 pattern, you can do this in Seizenn by removing threads and using arrow buttons to move threads and patterns.

Selection tool for grid patterns


I keep improving the seizenn tool.

After adding the possibility of making grid patterns, I tried to improve the use on the mobile device. The tool can now be installed on Android or iOS to be used without an internet connection. If you need help with the installation, you can see this article on installing a PWA .

I tested it on iPad, it’s really good.

The latest novelty is the addition of a selection function for grid patterns.

Select the button in the edition menu (the “pencil menu”).

When selected, several buttons appear.

When you click on the grid, the border of the selected cell switch to yellow.

You can select an area by holding down the mouse button.

It is then possible to:

  •   erase the selected area
  •   cut it
  •   swap colors
  •   fill it
  •   invert up-down
  •   invert left-right


When you have copied an area with the button, click where you want to paste it (the reference is the up left point), before pressing the button .

This function will facilitate the construction of repeating patterns.

=> => =>

Be careful, if the grid alternates, a paste may not give the expected result because of the offset. (A button might help in this case, please ask for it if needed).

The text box contains the content of the copied selection.

It can be modified, or saved in an external document. It is thus possible to share patterns or to build a library (small development to do if you find this function useful)

Do not hesitate to leave a comment to give your opinion on these new possibilities.


Buy a loom or build it?

What I like in weaving is that the idea is very simple but ways to achieve it are countless. Even for something as simple as band weaving.

A great subject for handyman.

First you can weave with almost nothing as in backstage weaving. Incredible how much intelligence could fit in a few sticks. At no cost.

Rigid heddle is a bit less rustic.

With two heddles and a pulley you get an African loom, really fast.

Inkle loom need some more materials.

Even if it is just a piece of wood with a few pegs, it is far more complex than backstrap. Some technical difficulties appear such as the tension that bends wood (needed to add additional pieces of wood). And different shapes could be tested.

And so many ways I didn’t explored yet (or explored but with not enough success to take a picture).

You can of course buy a loom. A good looking tool, well designed, nice to use, easy to start with.

But not the pleasure to face the challenge to create your own tools.

pickup with rigid heddle


I wanted to try rigid heddle. I ordered it on https://shop.stoorstalka.com/en/products/weaving/, and received it quickly with a nice handwritten note.

First try

I then designed a pattern for key ring raktres.net/l/bR (you can also try with the new version of the editor)

Then wove it using the picture from the editor

The pattern quite accurate.

Edit on october 22 2021:

The main difference comes from the size of the yarns that was not rendered. With the new update, you now get